Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 29, 18 Nowemapa 1936 — Defenders Still Hold Madrid Final Stage Of Terrific Battle For Possession Of Spanish Capital. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Defenders Still Hold Madrid

Final Stage Of Terrific Battle For Possession Of Spanish Capital.

The final dcs|KT;\te defense of tho Spanish eapit.al wa> at its neight yester<l;iv as F;vscists an(l loyalis<H threw their full strength of air, tank Jand artillery forees into a ferocious battle fof possession of Madrid. Thc thnnder of artilleiy increased and the clatterof maehine guns fiJled the cit,y as fightingcontinned 'wilh inaAimnm intensit.v throughout the afternoon.

GōVernnient ofTieials deel:ired the militiamen stopped the rvb<-ls penetration into the citv but .insurgent airplanes took a new toll of dead and wounded.

Three tri-motors eseort( d scvon purs«it planes and drop]n>d more than a dozen high explosivc bombs 4 killing and wounding many, and wrecking building in the heart of the city. Civilian.s huddled in oellars and thc subway as thc frequeiit roar of "high, explosives — frcquently shpok the loop sectien. The announced that thc French eml>asr.y has ,oireivd protcction for all women, ehikli'en the agcd and infirm, desiring it said thut the move was a of protest against the l>onibing' of the eivilian population of Madrid" by the Faseists. Madrid vvas aglarc today with bright flags and red Sinoke after Fascist"artiller\ air bombardments yesterday killed at least 6 ; » persons, wounded morc than 150 aird sct fire to about 20 houses. A Faseist surprise attack oeeupiea the for i'er British hospital in the GuatrcamiTios distric(s, s from whieh the rebels are attemp - ting to occupy the imiversity scction of the city. They fa<v un intensive , effort by loyal«st,s to dislotlge them.