Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 29, 18 Nowemapa 1936 — Foodstuff Shortage Imminent Strike Conttnues With No Hope Of Early Settlement In Sight. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Foodstuff Shortage Imminent

Strike Conttnues With No Hope Of Early Settlement In Sight.

ILiwaii fucos a sc,rious foo'l >hortage 1111Ioas the imaritituc striki' i.s .setticJ.. immediately or iiouie oiher w:yr is found to bring supplies into the territory, accord ii)g to leauii'i? business meo of Hor»ol\JiU. Pj'iees of foo4stuff nre ;i!rea>l.v $teadily develop \vith i» the ne.\i tuii day s when availai>le supi>lies oT riee, eggs, fresh ve<vet:ible's potatoes and other produ;-t»> now in wholesaīe \vare\vill Ik' j*mcticālly exhausted. Oavernor Poindexter is said to consuleriiig an appeal to the uavj department to permit the use of niiv;y yess 'Is to transi>ort supp]ies. The £ove.rnor has alrv!.uly explained the sitvmtion to Pi*esideat Roosevelt, who has taken no action as ,vet. aj>parently. Certain prominent Honolulu business men, who , refuse to their iiientity v rhave tleelai;ecl: I " l Tlie jrovenmient must be made ,to realiz.> the situation and glve I I h« i se islands rolief. Outside pf 1 the fo<>d sitO'ition I the present bk>ekade will meaa dis<iter to b«siuesa becaase many morchant <lepeaJent on Ohristmas trade, are unable to reeeive gvx>ds aml exi>orters aiv nnaV4e to ship their produets to xhe mainlaml/'

Ahhough |>rior to the striko tlu\v nunle h reassurtn£ statcuieut to ilh' vSfvct that thviv \vere sufficiont supp!īcs for sovoral months on h;intl in the islands 4 iinporiing ai«l <li:«tr!huting eompame* now ■aiiM thjit the situatiois tt> d;vy> itfter the ttriko $iurU\l is '»MtO A s«rvey of the situation i> j»rej*arevt for the js*>vcruor whieh \vHl the fo!lo\\ in£ eon,aitions in llonolula; Ki«\ no stoeks in vrholesaW w.aivhou*os. Ktfjts tho monthb' consumi»tio& iß>iujr of >vhkh jvr wnt is iiuj»orU\l* i*iv«o«t suj> ?tiy sutiieie«t for 10 \Kvs. Milk, »?:u!y £i\xlnetiou qnarK thv!huvt lo r*»nt {*< the ro"iH!tv o? lteV. »** f»v*!

I {or V, v= -UH'sV hu 4 «rl,\ &r»<! Kh'A» cī\*j» t ;ī.«vt!,* **\>ī liu" t r»> *tv>riiLs iu i*»U'r. li,-!' !,» iVjK.,txv| >airi-•,->orVt<r «(vlv fn;t at\v <Vriapi *'*r r*|*Uly ; L,. r* j hwa.l <\^i,nv t <uH ;*v tW > <KvU" v \ C*tr »*& *«*> r ll t«s rt u i!i - s\^l |4\ i« !«•*" Ka l o\|V.c| t %4* 1 . X ; I f,-v jt»i i l;;v Vi s * „t t-i i« :<» jv> s3».%rt\gv* i ii» . [ 11« »h»« A l ! u <-« % thv M*» t*"» % V* . i* '•».• •••» • «V! :■ • i *-<V«liki ;: < j - * *** m:t«c * « v l*»** it*. w*w«4iig| ,»Mxsi i~4: ftteMK m»d %• %„■* t." ,'. V »- tW.. - .-KiVtK *»