Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 29, 18 November 1936 — Senator Rice Is For Roosevelt Says Opposition To President Now Would Be Foolish For Hawaii [ARTICLE]

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Senator Rice Is For Roosevelt

Says Opposition To President Now Would Be Foolish For Hawaii

■ upon liis st rony slatcmcnt tliat Pivsi(t<'tit iio<.sv\o]t is ein of IliM>ost fri«Muis hus o>orj Jiad. ooiKiloe Ch,uiev A. r,k-o ->f K-hkh, on Kri la> ic; ril->ii<l! U , <iis. I .ufure :it Uio nc\i to; "pla.\ ii.ill" w to eoopi.!-j rat»i so that llio sroatost in , .>a.-ure's of t>ono{it, may' I)'.' obtainod for tho Tenilf)ry l'i'ooi th'o nali >n;tf aelminist ration. rcaib-'-> \\tiat t romon(iouj> honol'iK IF;r.\aii ha> roapod un<.lor the a linini>tration - tht» fh\st foar \oars." th--> iiulopondont ' Kopnhlioan loador froni thc Oard» n lvand poinU'd otit. * "X(nv t}i;i4 ho is in tOr tour inore yoav.s . . . it wouUl i>o foulhardly for i any hloo of logistators to attompt to| fnisirate tho aims of tU' 1 iHlmiiiUlUii-, lion." - j '■The~ nost U no" v,a'4> tt)' ;?<H in and play l•;». 1 1ī• • '-'-'o: '.. lor Ha- j waii and fwivt t p i>l y imos .. ♦. ī! Ihink it woukl he \\K? to ouiii tho \ uuual partly e;uiouso->. * j ltiee s s advtoo f<)ilo\vod up tiis state j mcnt \oMorday in whioh hV brandod ] spo<*idation o! "anou\n»oas or;toUors" thul he "lUieN! bo ' i\»i V»r'"īīiVsl!.< : JŌ ooii-l t i'Hi'.;: ion to tho Roo->ovolk, oampaiim i as "slHy." ILo saīd ho i> an. Aniorioan first, | n.pahhlu'an and ro'\i'-/.od, Koosovoīt hasjrivon tho sa?rar indust ry t rome.nd»nis Uolp in Iho istands, 1 thro'.isTli tho .lon^-O^I v*an adn>inb-i I iiai'ion ineasuro, !

lie praisocl līooseveir.s . [oi' Uw ha»isiij-i i-rhi>. the KKIIA. Uu!CWA utui IUo WPA ;md blunt!y t>xpvisst\l h.is "gvc;vt ;tdmivaUoa ainl n\spoet t'ov Roo.sevelt." Tīioe ;vs* 'rted he v;oaltl :iooCpt the jpvosiitv»»«\v ot' s nnte al Uie ir«n jMssion oti ono oouUUkm. that tor H. llee» v renv,vinsus ohainuuu of the 3U<Ueiary ooniniittec. "He h:is rt>»domi liwalaahīe setvioe in UwA |>«Jst."* tl»e -Kauai līepu;::i s.:u! lelenih* the j iHnK oiMi. i>!to of ili- 4 foar in the ne\t j U-irist:iture of th:it purt\\ "aml I see no i\:i-.»n \\!iy *:e >ho:tHt K 1 ren\ove<.!| . | j Biv^ui;» ,: .o*i ii; ltoaotuUi \v«ī Uiat ji: ihe <- t iu >is\-wp \v ms \.v»itsro s p'\vi U.i-o. :i* v H. ebe wouUl .i.o'u; v'.,\naiiltee eh,u: - »iwn. 1?Kh 4 s-,»U5 thnt lf oM\dition is n.«i .ih\,- io Uio hlso o£ "vv*iUhr" l}."nr,i»:!ivv>js h» h«' |\\*.! l »i,' !la- of th»i»man | <'l ihe \v;»ys. am| nu y uns oomI ;».;t w iii 1 ;il*o ,» >t v uī ""ii» t!ie rro;u - r.mW i ■