Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 29, 18 Nowemapa 1936 — STRANDED TOURISTS PLAN LEGAL ACTION [ARTICLE]
Sfran dod tr:u r e]efs in Hono-! lnlu, iit a sooon.i m(H s ting' qn 1 ButK]a.v ilot'ido'J to tako stop.s: to i-iieoW'i' th'eiT"" ' oausō'it "by , their enforoe<l stay in tlio isianv!s dae to thō strike of sto;unship men. The visitors arc ftunls r:ivsing to rot;\in oounsol t'or :iotion a«r;iinst..tho shii>}.>ing eoini>anios as a resnH of thoir lossos v . while ■•f«rther investi<j;iiions «iro boing imuio a suit on a similar ease ngainst the niaiūtinie lahor nnions in the strike, \vi!l ho oQered tr:MLSportatiou to tho uiui'.-'iāiul on iXov. -2"., on the SS Montorey, i aecot'tlinfj t.o annoiuieenieiU from tho Mutson oll'ioo. l'he Mon_ terey is returning* from . the Antipo<los and will stop ontsiJe the three-nMie linūt wheoo p;}sM'n<rors ainl inail be t:\kon in tii£s. to previ'it w alk-out of tho < iv\v.