Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 28, 11 November 1936 — Estimate Billion Dollars Cost of Defense Program [ARTICLE]
Estimate Billion Dollars Cost of Defense Program
lt ix Ihe cotis('nisi!s po]jt i Cll c:sperts Ilial ;i one hiilon <!efen>e appropiiatic,T. wfll be amou£ the first passecl by the new Coir gress. īt i.s bclievetl liie appropt'ial ioti will pa;>.s alimM, ,withoiil opposilion. ""Jlowever, i< ix alxo expet'te<l s<u-ial objeclivex wil) feature l'ieNielenl 1100 ~&eve]t's KOeaml teni>, with re.sultjn« appropriat.ions to earry out sueh pn#rams. Radieal an<l infl;)tionary lei;islation Bjx)iisorecl in pr<>vi<uis sessions is believed elTecl i\(l y iiall.eel !n Ibe eleelion lands]i<le. i>e»)ocn;ilic <-ont rol of is so eoiuplele that neither tlie I-'i'a/iei-Lemke farm iviortg;ige l)i!l northe Tow»send plan are like!y to rcac!i a House or Senal e vote. Maanwhile, the nueleus of a "new NRA" has been iiiitiated wilh the Walsh-llealy bill eompe!lin<* īiiunufaeturers eont ra<-tiiig \vith tix? jrovernment to subsc : ribe to certuin iair labor standards. ■ —:x:— —— , Raymond Chang, forineriy v,l! h tlie'llono.lulu oflice of the inleina! revenne department, wiio ai) i\ci! heie last week, is now perm.inei.t]\ eon. nected as deputv eoHeeloi- \uth tlie Hilo ofTice.