Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 28, 11 November 1936 — STRIKE CAUSING RISE IN PRICE [ARTICLE]
Since ihe maritlme strlkc I>og:ui iu)pm-eUentcd prires are beiiy cl\;irgod in .Ilonolulu for perisihuV)le foods froni Californiit aml other maihland points, a<*«ording to I. M. Statnt);i"rt. IT.l T . S. i attorney. wliieh may rehu]ts in deral in,vesUgatiou T ; Iteports say a group ©f lionolulu diistribuU)is are n»aintaing I<lenti«.*al higii piices on commodilies---indii*ut-ing a coinbination disti?vt!y in. \ iolation of tlie anti-lrii.st law. HJJJJThnrles friiic) Salc. notP 1 sorGGn comedian and author, died in woodj Friday l;tst, from lob-ir pneui mof»ia > at-llje-'!i«e o( 51. i