Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 27, 4 November 1936 — Toronto Baby Derby Closes [ARTICLE]

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Toronto Baby Derby Closes

Mrs. E jzabe!li M;iclenn. inotHcr of ten childr<M», 011 Fiid;iv Uist filcd a last-minutc cntry in 11 te $500.000 ('nTiadian ba.by derhy. wliieh ondcd Saturdai at 4:30 p. m. Mrs. Maelean s,iid nine of ])cr children had bccn horn srncc tlic death of Churlcs Vn?u>e Millai'. eeeen- . tric law\er of Toronio, Onl.. wlm in his will leit S7">0 f <ioo to >>;o to thc woman wlio had the most childvcn \\ithin tcn \cats after Jiis demiso. Tt , hasjufet becn announced dcductions for opciating the Millar estatc v, ill bring the total do\Mi to %"3'>o,('ot) Wiih her entry fiicvl on Odobor 22, 7>lrs. James Melelnun. mothor of nine ehildren she said «eie born siiH-o Millar's deatli. previousl\ had been tiie latest entry īji the f«intastic eon test. She is the ■ wife of an unemployed Scottish paper han^er. Mrs. Maclean"s cnt ry l>rought ,to 12 the entrants in the race whieh has thre;itened to heeonie a tanu!f to deterimne whieh of thc women may be declared Uie \\inner. Meaiiwhile distant ielati\cs of Millar liave heen making attempts to have the courts declare liis will \oul on the grounds tliat it was '\>candalous against the puhlie interost." listing tlie ti*emendovis for mothers who \vent after thc fortune, llo\se\or, the Toionto <;o vemment is planning lcgislat lon outlawing all liti>ration in the case. whieh means that one or more ol t,he eompeting motliers will get the moncy intended foi them.