Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 27, 4 November 1936 — Mussolini Defies All Nations Challenges Britain and Voices Friendship for Hitler and Germany [ARTICLE]
Mussolini Defies All Nations
Challenges Britain and Voices Friendship for Hitler and Germany
f lienilo Mussu!i:ii. Haiian J 11k» uoi ld SiiMchiy \vTlh l.he (itM:]aration Ilalv lienn'i'iih uoiild plaoe lioi' liop' s f<>[' pi -M o in tU' eoiiMln'N inilitary In a woi'Ulwulo raillo broa!.U-a>l iMWi'iiiii' ii wUle r;vn;?i\ of vHal uuU ie qacst ioiis. t li<' .llalian I*';isc!st ■ loade! openly i-ha!i'.njji'd Ihi' Wi!>o!iian tlu'ory <_>l' pi-aro t l;rony-|i <•<>!- loL't.i\c set-;irity aiid (iet-iared Ita!\"> Iru>! \\a< pla<.-ed īm annamonl " "Oitr policy is peaee for cvoi\ono." Musso!irii sai<L '"UiU it wi!l he ati anneil pouo?." r>rītia!fs sux>ori<>rty in tho Mecliternmeatt, >TussolUii told his listencrs llial if au attempt woi;e »nado to s-ut. that "iil'eliiH'" to (|aorod Klhiopia, Ita' ! > wouKl ri>o *'a> 0.10 man" in anneil foive to dei'o.'id ii. Mussolini sai<l he tcn-ideml iL neoossary tliat llritain and llal.N uj;too a.s 1<» Ihoir respootivo and intei'(sN in the Modilonauean. hul t!iat "•if this i> not aoooinp]i>hed"-a possibh.it \ of whioh I hnve nol spoken im'iil Joday--aud il an attempt is inade to a!iothvr. the lile of Ilalian people on llial soa whioh was t!vsr;i rrf-Rnim\ llien it >hontd 110u Ih\ 1 w.uikl rise as one nian, ready to The premier saivl thero \vas 110 plan to reui īlie road of the Mediter--1...1.. n" 'i.n '.ii.it P.-iu \\-,..>1d dei(i;uui hcr nu:*?slhere be resp.vted. A:t Paio-liriu<!i w;. i'. Mussolini >i,»s. w.i> «eiiliinkahle. hui Uie oulv - ' •' ■ 1 an >:*;;a- '.: ■ ; v.. , ,! iie tl:o .i'.'i'-k of iti.. io;> ni i\a Mwii ■.'nunean., j V o!n>h bet\veett Itatv and l?ri- ( Uaiu he said, n\lgiit re-, \var. | "Kmpir*e for Hal> is her vcryJlfe N , Mussolinl satd !n warUke amiounmmml. . | ! u if we \vant to elarifv the pres(»nt l situation it is hcoex>ury to n.iy everything Unilt u|x>n the >Vilso«! kk»alism. We re|eet Uw illuUoa o£ eoUective whioh (K>es not exisl. n<wor existe<l and neyer w ill ex"tst." ' ; The 01 Nat ions inust' tnther s«> i-efon.HHl <»r destroyeil eompletely" he said, "Tho Leainw faikHl becapse of Ita!y*s oompaet nnity aml to fijjht all n\eml»ers of the |eagtu*. | l\\,\od.vs ;K'l iU'ovl U» lhrou&h the <.\<riUiors of the ] tu Uio i^eMuix' \\f the en'iw >|KHV"h. Mus&iU«i toudMxtj «IK"» iho huim.«uUi> reUUtsfe of! ltah an.Ho.-r?is;my j -ru nn;\;i\ -ahu\l Ihe li;0i vjs m the lierHn v\>n\ esu ous whieh lwughl t iMhiUiun of iuiiKn -' yr*4»tenW" he "Ivoii\e asul | forw amuua, wUH'i»- ;0-l iai) hA|rttiouit\i>b nvo\e " I IWhinu njv« »viatk^i. !uUituU\! \\lth Vm noh *me;nUhni wtH not U" forllioo4ttitisfc umil llHe lulku ogii-, Wxt <vf Klhkipla. ; " j | \> M. k s, the UMuht*Ui> 1 1 '« twer\oJl aIUUuK'" l^\\a!\l KUuopu .he luh \\ī»! "ū>ahaain ihe !v,moo- AtīltsuV to\\;*.y^. ! Kar*jv the Anstī\Hßcnnau Dav*\ \vi-t!hV i:KKjpo{KJcuv.v jg»ry thew «<ari wo |\W«» U» | IMmiUaH iwi>iu "