Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 26, 28 ʻOkakopa 1936 — GIRL SCOUTS ARE OBSERVING WEEK [ARTICLE]
| :«• i'!'j V. i: h aii. I- tiie ! n; " iotf.tlit;.G : Cflebrating Giil Soout Week in i-om-memorat.ion of the bin,hday < f tlu I' >ii lie the (liii S. yii'S. •hiliel te Lōw. ! Mrs. Low started tbe i'ir>t Gir! Sfout t.roop. m*-Savannal«. in H+l2, \\itli a 1 {.rroup oi' eight tfirls. w))ir*h-has <.';rown to :i u;nioii;il orira'oi/ation ol' 10u,Ul)0 rej;istered memb(»rs. . Tlie seven service <l:iys ot' t h' v week ;tre repn'sentat ive ol' 1;hel ae! i vil ies ot' tlie pro<>raiii. Memnei'!» are at»ked to \vear tlieir unifonns ;is mueh as possible durin«ī tlii,s week. Leali Parker, loeal {«iii S<-out exeeutive.: will he heaiil Fi:iday cvenin!i al, U:lH)' o"elōēli over KU BC. ]