Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 26, 28 October 1936 — Crowds Pack New Theater Modern Waiakea Playhouse Attracts Huge Throng At Opening. [ARTICLE]
Crowds Pack New Theater
Modern Waiakea Playhouse Attracts Huge Throng At Opening.
Repn 3 sciitatives of Ihe Ililo nt'wspapcr \verc f>ivon a pnwiew «l.iowiuy, of the pro<rram fof .liui_.ap<!!un>4 of tho new Waiakea Tliealcr. W<.'iinesclay bv 1110 matiagt*r, IVtt r (,'hun Fat. Tlie iie\vsnion cr»joycd a splondid progi'am and all weni joud in tlieLf praise of IIilo"s jie\vest aniusoinent liouse, whieh is ci}uipped wilh the very best of everyt]iinj» liia! .es into 1 lie i>:'oiluct ion of a first pros>Taiii. Tlie press reprcscntat.ivos \vere slio\vn throujīli. the new huiklinK. bcfore the sho\v started, in order. to ,u'ive tlieui the oppoi'tuni(,y of iiispecliny tiie equipmerit, wliioh. tlioy louikl to be of tlie \ery lastest iuodel. The sound reproduotion ai the new play- . house is perl'eet. Tliurklay. tlie open!ng night_ brought two ol the largest theater crovvds ever assenil)led in llilo. Tlie liouse was packed at hulh perlor-l maneea and se\eial hundred would-Lte patrons \vcre unable to t;ahi admittanee altliough two eomplele stiows w©re given. The lirst slio\v was given at 0:.3U but the seats were oompletely sold'Out by 5:00 o'olooie. The orowd was so l»y at one time that tralfic on the avenue was seriously interfered with. .. . Tlie suocess ol the new Waiakea Theater is assured. jiHifrintf hy the patro?iage extended by llie puhlie 011 the opcning night.