Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 26, 28 ʻOkakopa 1936 — Portugal Breaks Off With Spain Believed Prelude to Similar Action By Italy and Germany. [ARTICLE]
Portugal Breaks Off With Spain
Believed Prelude to Similar Action By Italy and Germany.
Portugars iii'liun in severiiig diplonial i<* n'laUoiih with the Spauish goyernnU'iit is in T;!liw: Kii-in li i jidrs as a prelude to sitiiiuir iu'! ion u, 11 niy ami Gennariy, j aiid. i^L-i.)y;. l iiiun ui Uie ■Fabt'iat ins>ur- • gentgovenini(3iit uf tip;iiuThis l;a> <'ioa"txU a daugerous >il ii.il ii'ii ift \ n t) i tlio sl ruiiK pro>kulml Malui t;;kon l,v Kussia A . The Portu«;uesc Cijarge d'A£fairs has t»ccn ruoteel to relum to Lislx»n. - Sp.;iri. iias eh»rged Porui&ai w.ii-U 41} Sp;mish saiior?s i'n a : uaval w>ir;ige»icut T wiiiie Russia has rc»iun\c<i.lior deinands for a hlookof P"r!n<rosv> poi'l s to prevent shipment oi' niunitions to the insur£<?nt s. "I lie iu cnsations ajrainst Portugal were niaiii' puhik- the Spaiiisli euibassy, while cUploinats sought means to . make inteuatioiial ueutrality efTeeli\e. - Tlie .strUtoment' said the the niotoisliip Ciudad ,? w ith luu' huii and fmuiels j P.iinted s?iuular .to a Geruiau vesser | iiilo A friean waie r.s Oetober 14. ThJ Cindadu de Maeuo fired \vitliout waju,_ ing and at very short rauge, four [ shells on the motorship Fernaudopoe [ fly.inj* the Spanish flag whīeh set ' tli'rs ve><el afīre and sank īt.