Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 26, 28 October 1936 — Talks Of New Plan For Peace Landon Says New Deal "Contradictory" and Tells Own Policies. [ARTICLE]
Talks Of New Plan For Peace
Landon Says New Deal "Contradictory" and Tells Own Policies.
Tn thc .eampai.mi'v first uiseu>sii>n ou 'foreiffn airairs. t.'overnor Alf Uuitdon, at Indianapolis ōn Saturua.v, (deelared the I T nited Slates must pur- | sue a veu!isLk- polky of. her |own bus>i«ess in gruudintf neutral i rights in order to keep out of tlie next |\var. | The HepAi'oluiLn presidential eanui|date said wurld peaep __ iuust bt t\.>sitered to tiie uiiuoil U*rougli revivai ,of woikl trade, lo\yeritig of «ewnomio ,Laiviei.>, fv>U iiusj oi iaivruauututt '}ī*x)d faith. reduction J of armamenls an<l enrourairenient of ?uediation and anm ration. lie st ressed Uuit tlie United States inust avoid entanglemehts arising '' v i'i Natii?ns or ihe V« VI <<t L oui <. He ehar£ed President Roosc-vell aukxl \1 ie s;irH'Lu>iiist pv>wers jjigiūnst Italy aml a!s< hinderuig \vorld eeonomū' stabiiity. Tiie ivatusan deeiared tho "New DeaVs foreign pt»lk'y was '■wnlnn-lMon-."*