Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 26, 28 October 1936 — New Type For Hoku Arrives Readers Now Assured Readable Print and Other Improvements. [ARTICLE]
New Type For Hoku Arrives
Readers Now Assured Readable Print and Other Improvements.
Al'U*r iim', h atinnying dola> Ka : Iloku O Ihiwaii luis rcceivcd Ihe i. - 1 Franei'it'o :t;ui Xcu- J<.'isoy„ whioh i beiii}» use<i in this wcek',s Nsue. d<>ubl ;i f!(-c';dod imprOM'mi>i)l A\ilibc hoUm! l>y iK rv.»(i( rs. A ordtM' of tho uew lype arrived S;Htirda\on tiicM;uio;i and \vas iimiiedi;ttely put iiUo uso. Tlk: old iype, wliieli \vas <'oi)ipletely \vorn- out a"t'l<>r over thirty \oarsof •.service, bas heeii entirely disi"arded and will be ; shipped to the type founders \vbere it will bo melted up anel matle into new types. nther inateria! has ajso t»een added to the līoku's equipnn>nt. This represents a heavy outiay in cash.- For tliis reason the publLshers are aslfin«r all suhseril!ers who are in arrears to do their bit by sendin«j in their remil t an<'es as soon as possible. llundreds ofJSaifer& are outstandiiu in tlie wai <<f <übk-ription awuunK. To liie ie;uUi the amouni owcd is.v<>r.\ M»all but if evesybody would pay up it would amounl to a very substantial sum and would enable the rn;mau:ement to easily take oaie of t-he eurrent ,expenses as well as provide l'umls for additional new. eq«ipment. So send in yuur ujoik\ and lielp en>'Ouraye tlie publishers of your paper to yrealer eJTorts.