Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 25, 21 October 1936 — New Waiakea Theater Opens Thursday Night [ARTICLE]
New Waiakea Theater Opens Thursday Night
The new Waiakea Theater, on Kamehamoha Avenuo, Waiakea, will open tomorrow night, witli tl Transatlantic" as the feature picture, starring Hiehanl Dix auil other great artists of the sereen, In addition there will be several short films including a traveīogue There will be two sho\ys,s,the first" at 6:30 and the second at 8:30, at the populai* prices of 15 cent for adults aud 10 cent for cliildren. There will also be a limited number of reserved seats at 25 cents "Transatlantie" is one of the most stux>endous productions of the Paramount Studio in recent years and is based on the future. j : The stor,v cent.ers ai'ound the year 11950, when a great tunnel under the oeean, connecting Europe with America is assumed to be under construction. There are many thrilling episodes in eonnection with the stoi\v, Jhat will give a hint as to what may be expected in the line of great eonstruction projects within the next two decades. All through the story there is an interesting romanee that will hold the average audience spellbound. Waiakea*s new pla,yhouse, whieh is owned by W. H Hill and will be manāged by Peter Fat, is one that is a credit to the community Attractive in appearance and fitted with the very latest t,ype of wide range Western Electric equipment, beautifu! leather covered opera chairs, complete air cooling system and everything else that goes to mcKlernize a theater the new playhouse is sure to meet with the approval of all \yho are fond of the very best in the line of entertainment. The exeeedingly moderate price of admission will also meet with the public approval. Pictures will be supplied through |the Franklin Theater Enterprises, from Honolulu and the main-] land. |