Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 25, 21 ʻOkakopa 1936 — Kalapana "Mayor" Gives Advice To Voters Of Hawaii [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kalapana "Mayor" Gives Advice To Voters Of Hawaii

' fßy Gabriel K. PcaJ

Surelv it is nbt nf>cessary t'> labnr the pōint"tbat to vote intel]igently we must look beyond party affiliatioiis Yet how few of us stipposedly inte!ligent Christian voters take the time or put fortli the effort to leani a few essentia| ifacts coneerihg the men uiio desirē to be entrusted with the lai-ge affairs of our eity and our eounto. Certainly to vote intetligently we should know sometliīng' al>ont the personal qualifieationji an<ī Ihe relations and the relative abilities of tlie various candidates, something about their education and their i)Ubines> oi; professtonal exiwfitncc. Yes, we should know sometliing alx>jit, uharactefs too-as to whēther tUoy are men of unquestioned _integrity wlio are strong enougli inorally and spiritually to vvithstand the powerful Umhptations to whieh puhl'.e oH'iee subjecte men. Josiah HoHand cried: » God, give us menl A time Hko this demands Strong minds, great hearts, tiue 4 i'aith, and ready liaiuk; Men whom the lust of olT'u-c does not kill; Men whom the spoils of officc eannot buy; Meq who possess opinlons aud a wlll; Men wlio have honor; luen who will not lie.

Yes, and we too cry: "Gbd, give us men!" To wlūeh cry I think vve ean

hear God reply: ''llow oan I give you men, good men, strong i#t»n, in public oiliee, if you will not , intelliyenUy seok out seuh men when you oust your ballot on elec-t!ona āayr* So it is for us to cry, not *'G<xi, give us men»" but "God, lielp me t<» Ui»e my ballot so inteJJligentli «mul \Mth such aleeen n\uraT seii>e Umt and stroug nidn wlll be placed ui offiee." But if we are to prove otu:selves feliows—cltizens wlth the saints, we uiust uot only use ouv ballots intellisently t<> put eapahle and houorbale iuen into offiee; \ve nittt-t us§ our ballots, as eonseīentioui<ly as w e know how, to further those great soeial , ideals wlueli burned like a passion wilhin the great souls of the prophet> of Israel, and whieli our Lord pix>nouneeil as indispensal>le t<i the estaWishn\ent of the Kmgdom of Gvxl on earth—»nerey, justice, righteousne^,

and love. MKRCY—how nmoli we need io keep that l>efore us as gu tp the at a time when thou4ands of our felknvs eitizens »re desUtute audf how it is that we plaee tfteu liito offkt> who have iwoial &,vmpathies aad who ean h;u«l!e the wv>rk of in?liel wisehj,ami h«maneij- : JUSTIOE—how mueh \ve neled to keep t hat l»efore u* as we £<> to U»e tK>Us, not wly to use ouf l>alK»ti> to i |wi on the UeiK-h wīw will hold ; Uie of Ihe law fo!ded, wiīh -tiie siigttte>t ui t»edir\vtio« of privile%;i\i elassei- or intere>tx lmt aiso lo eieel »n- v to offkv who wIV iead u> iu thinkins and Nvia! plannisig Uut in the dajs U> ewaie \ve »JuH li#\« k\ss for vh»rU,y Uv;*uW weiuve eive»t :< {iliioe- te ho\\ muoi* we iimi t«> kwp that bcfoK< u> t. ■**" tUat */.v*U ekvi mwi to offkv *Ik* wiU tlte I »w-e»»iorvhm of <*u cii> anU sast<> «nd naUoit as an huiwark e\vr\ fv>nu o£ huieceito> 4t»d ūmuoraHt;i sssd

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