Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 24, 14 October 1936 — NEW DEAL UPHELD BY SUPREME COURT [ARTICLE]
t Ou Monday th° Hupnune court refused to reconskler its deciMon of Junē 1 holding uneonstitu— tional the N«*\v York law establish ing niiniuin w«g<.'s for woinen bocause it violated the right oi' the fr(ie<loni of contraet
The tribunal upheld the New l)eal in another case by refusitig fco pass on a suit filed by the Bradley Lumber Co. of Arkansas attacking the constitutionnlily of the V\ r agner act whieh established the national labor relations l>oard to settle industrial disputes and guaranteed collectiyi bargain ing to labor.
The eourt (leeliri"<l to review the (lecision of the l'ii'lh cireuit eourt of api>eals of New Orleans whieh refuse<l to enj<>in the 3abor relations boar<l fronj. hokliiig hoar ings on a labor <tispute ih tho eompany's plant in \V r arren Ar fcanSas-
The New DeaJ. was grantod by the supreme court a rey!ow of its contention that 50 per eont of the tax orr silver profits . made prior to the passage of tho sil\%?r purchase act wjus constituti<mal.
The court will roview the ruling of the court whieh claims that the levy is unconstitutional beeause it took property without due proeess of law. Under the legislalion, the government was īuīīlīorized to purchase silvor until tho nation*s inonetary stoek consisted of one fourth silver and throe fourths gold. :x: ..
Russia has just sent'tho fourth shipload of footlstufrs to Sp3in to help the Eoils,