Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 24, 14 October 1936 — HILL NOT TO ASK RECOUNT OF VOTES [ARTICLE]

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'"iiy no !i) ft nns wili I r'ont"st the elcction. It's all ōv>r anel that'S ali there is to it, v said Sc>nator W. H. Hiil,, Kepublican. candidate for reolection. who lost cnit at the pnniai'ieK b t v 1(> votes whenjLsked ii iie plnnned to deuiand a rocount This staternent was made b t v Hill just l>efore he left Hilo kst \Vo(lnesday for atrip te the mainland, with Mi% Hill. \ 'U plan to be haekin Hilo on I Oet jb» r 2(5, in time for the.gene r i nil eleelion," Mr. Hill said. 4, 1 am going away for a short eom|bined business trip and rest " r iiie liills will meet their daughter, Patrieia, .on the west coast and put lier i.n sehool iu isouthern Gulilonua,. She has been in Xew |York ior i>everal years. Their yo_unger daughter, Bhirley, re r [ maining ,in Hilo.