Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 24, 14 October 1936 — SAYS PROHIBITION WILL COME BACK [ARTICLE]

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Tsvo vetemn leaJers of the 'Ain-ti-Saloon I,<ea&ue of Ameriea Dr F. Swtt Meßritte, for 12 years g«noral sui»erinteiK]ent and Dr. Ernest H. Oherrington. i!ireetor of edueatkm have resigned.

Dr. Mcßrklo \vi!l b<xomc >ul>erintiMn]cnt of tho Ponusi lvauiu Anti-Baloon Lot\guo ruid ! Di\ Ohorrini?ton takos over tlio loavtorship of tho Uotu\l ot tquiKTi\nco, prohihition aiul pnbtlc moii\ls of tho Moihodist KpiscopaJ Chuivh Both assunio<l thofr «jutio> Oel. 1 { Thoir >uov i on>oi-s wiU not lv| chosoti | I>r. MoHi ulo tvvonk\l» iu in»?. tho nhilosoi»hy of tho n*itu>nal that iuwhibltion \sill ix v turn thron£h *utc aelion &\ somo futu*v tluto, |

is vx>iu Iwiok,**! fo v th?il «l> o{ dr % Y tiuv«4j!i vu?uP»ijjns for Uval wīl! Xlw rr.:i]or mvlcrhiku\g of thc UutUMk:u IwOi". jj '\So far ss i*-nUin£ •' w eonwnuHi, l c*n motv ] īfi\m» withi« tho nUW lh«a nt* W«shinirton." li*' s*ki tu cx»ikin J U*II hī> r, 1