Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 23, 7 ʻOkakopa 1936 — Isle Residents To Fly Clipper [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Isle Residents To Fly Clipper

Pan Americtui Ainvays has announml a līst of 15 persons, heade(l l»y Fairl>ank and his wifo :iml includinjv fiour resi-. iicnt.s of Hawaii, who will ]jarticipate ia the inaugnral passt'uger flight ol : ,the elippei' plane? to the Oricnt. in addition to Mr. and Mrs Fairhanks, the list includes; T. 11. 13cek ol'' Se\v York, prcsident of the. Crowolll Publisliing Co. ,i, ■. ■ .•■■■■ K L. Bradlo.y of .San Francisco T. F liyan of San Franciseo Mrs. Clara Adams of Stroudsb'urg, Pa. ; I)r, Bolivar Falcou«'r of Marlin, Texas. ". G E. Carter., of Honolulu, son of thc late fonncr (Jovcrnor Cart<;r of Hawaii. Georgc I Brown, Honoluln, capita]ist. i E. B. Bricr of Honolulu, ehiel' engineer, Iluwaiian I)ivdgino- Co. l<j Honielani plaee. HcrbertShipman, Hiloi, rancher Louis AVeinsheinicr, Manila sugii.r plant,ation manager and fonner manager of Pionccr Mill L/O. 011 Maui. E X. Bachrach of Manila, Col. C E. Bartley of Chicago

Mrs. B, M. Laurizen of Manila The airways announced that the first.flight starti.ng Octjaber 21 \vould. be an all-expense l *air cruise'* arranged at the request of the passengers for "extra tourist facilities aud accommodations not ordinariy included in st.randed transpōrtation itineraries. T *

AHhough the dipper makmg tho trii> is sohodule<.l to earr,v onl,v six piissengers to Honolulu, it ean carr.v additiorml on : the short<u' l'lights between Hawaii an<l Manila. The company did not kiiow whieli six of the 15 pajsseiigers wouki inake the inilial fjight to Honolulu, but said the nine woukl be passengers beyond of Honolulu Xo announeement was made as to the fare paid, but tlie eompan,v said scveral inoi|iths it would [>robu!y be about double the standanl steamship rate, or approximately $3Do to Ilonuluhi and $l,2tH) to Manila.