Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 23, 7 ʻOkakopa 1936 — RICE REELECTED [ARTICLE]
j Harokl W. Kiee was reelected | eounty elmi-man m the Saturday H>rimaries of the Maui boavd of Jsupervisors, defeating his KepuS Hean rival, A ,Villiam Max\veil of Lahaina by more 1,100 ! votes. ;> ■ Mi.ss Elsio Wileox, incumbent senator on K.auai, scored & victory of more * than -2 to 1 over former iSenator Honry K. Aki.in day"S i)rimaries.
Frank J. Hariocker sailed for Honoluiu» Sunday on a busiuess trip. AJo % v Auiai sailetl Suiiday for Honoiukū