Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 23, 7 ʻOkakopa 1936 — KING WIN BY A LARGE MARGIN [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


>Seirii-oiricial territory wise reH*nis trive l)i'iegate Samuel Wilder King votes, B; G Kivei>votesandT. F. McItterney 38 Mclnerney has •l»ecn..eiiniin-ated from the race.

Thal I)c]og;ito Sanmcl AVil<lcr Kin£ wii! Big Island polls b,y an Ji)vcr\viielininjf mar£in in ru*xt nu)ut!rs genoral cloction \vas umiuimui!s!.v |)recidtod, todiiy b,v Kepuh'ieu?) lcudors as a rcsults of •the. bijr votc.M aceorded thc (»OPstundani l)c;irer in Saturda,yV ,priiijaric^ 'Mr KinjrJod Betram G. Kis r cnliis Dcmocratic opponcnt, hy oi9vS yotcs, Kivenburgh rccciv- i ing a i:)(al of 2859 votes as eoml)arcd t<> King ? s 7555- Thomas Melno i'iicy, Xon-Parisan eaiulidakv, ti'iiilcd i'ar behind wHh 517 votes ! . In tl:c i)rr'nary of 1931, Ivi«ig i reccivcd 4505 votc-<, trailingL L. McC'undless on this it;huid, who receivcd ihs4 votos Tlic (iOP candidate for reelection as dcle£atē j)ollc<l heavily in both districts of thc county East Hawaii votcrs gavc him 553 votes as comparcd to 181(> for Rivenburjrh and 3.16 for Melnei 1 - noy. \Vcst Hawaii polled 2502 votes i'or King, 543 for Rivenb«rffh, and 2i)l for Mclnerney

Dele&ute Kin{r earried every East Hawaii precinct In West Hawaii lie carried 1."» preeincts out of lii, beiug led by Kivenburgh t»y I<i votes it Milolii, the only box won by the Demoeratic candidate ln nearly all of the remaining 08 precincts. King outscored lii venburgh by as hig.il as fonr to one. Nclnerney failed to poll a single vote in two precincts.*Pahoa and Kalopa. In the large Hilo boxes, King scored hetvily. Waiakea, seventh precinet, \vhere 8(35 vot.es \vere cast, gave Kiuo- ,111 vote"s, Riven},uryfh and MeTnerney 35. The Hilo box, in eighth preeiiu t, gave King -H?r> votes out of 70,J east, Kivenburj4-h I4ti, and Mi-Inerney - > J") Mlla Frane ]>olled out of 7 for Kinjj, V JO4 Ki:venburgh. and 2(» for Melnerney» Piihonna, 51st piveinet a!so jfave King a huge voto. King polK\l 4U2 out of 7IM east, IS."> and Melnerney Ilawnii boxes pol!od eonvineinjriy for Kinjr Houoma* knu jjmvo Ki»ff out .Vio votes, iKi auhou Hh\ out of l3u, Mukal>a!a oul of Kahauloa out 113, Waiohinu out ot i>h>, and l\ihala > out of h 43 * j