Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 22, 30 September 1936 — Serves 27 Years As County Attorney [ARTICLE]
Serves 27 Years As County Attorney
| Om' <ti ihi» four Havvaii count,y \vJiu wiJl havo uo oj)i)ositi.oa in ihis .wai*"** camimi{?n is W iliiīi!!! ii. Hecrs, who wi]J I)c fi!'t.y-iiine on Xovcnil>or H. j . inoath Mi\ Beors will havo I coinpJ(>tfil 21 your.s in oli'iee as | altonio.v for liawaii cotuit,v | vvhit'h vvjji !>.' a rccord fof eou- | titHtous..H'rvicu Jj.y an,y loeal oll'ij.ejyl i'ieeUMl Jjy the people. He i | U'eanu' <'<nint.v attome.y in Octoj bei\ lwo'.), win ii Jk' was ap])ointed { l»y the h's'u'd <>f sui)ervisoL's anil j llie:..roi.!o\vin-jir ,vcar was eloctcd out | riirht iii thc i>i'iiiiat'ios over Hai'ry I li'win, who was running on the I Oemoei'iilie ticket.
i In a'l sinco thou Beeiv;
h;\s won outrig}it ut ihe i»rimuries uit!iou#rh sometimes unopposcd. 110 \v:is b,v the late Senator .īiiiiio-; Rnss<«]l in 191a, in I'.HU hv Stephen L. I)osha, Jr. aiul Jost'i»l) Feri',v v tho latter ruuning- on tho. L)eniocratic tieket. It \vas an easy victor,v and he reeovied mbre votes than l)Oth Desha iand Forry to{ji'ther. During this icampaigii ho \vas husily ongajfe<r in prosecuting eritninal casos before the Third Circuit Court aiui had no time to visit the votert>»* but tlio.v voted him ia just the
same. Hi* la*t o[>ponent was Dell>eirt E, Metztfer, Domocrat, and present jiuige in'the Fourth Circuit Court. Ililo. Beers u&ain won b,y a large majority. This year ho h«s no opposition whatovor and what littlo tMiie h« is spending in campaigning for himsclf i< merely to express his thanks to the voters and. to urge t!iem to io the l>olls aud vote the pany ticket.