Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 22, 30 September 1936 — SPAIN SEEN AS A EUTURE BATTLEFIELD [ARTICLE]

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|: ; 1 i Tho Spani=ih ivpresonhitivo! JtiHo Alvaro/ IV!vayo toMtlio| of Xations n*wtiMy atj Gonova la<t »id:ty fhat tho" "Moodstainod <oilof Sp:dn already j is tho battlof:vt! for a wor!d war/i

Tho or!vo.v warnod tliat tho futmv war wii] not Imj a conflict -1:Uon lnit holuoen grouiis of iiiean. bctwoon doniocrac 4 v and opī»rossion v Dt'k«gates construcd his speech a<s an attack on German.y, Italy and Portugai v for ailogodly armiii£ :the insurgents Charging indirectly that t}ie Sj>anish rehellion was formented from the outside, Delvayo siiid are usinjj. immense stocks of i'oreign war material whieh thoy ilid not posscs«i whon ■ the ī oholiion broke ouL"'

»ludge I). K' Metzer retarned lrom Honolulu on plano