Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 21, 23 Kepakemapa 1936 — Red Atrocities In Spain Bared [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Red Atrocities In Spain Bared

A graphic t'c of soHi.e of the.inhviman Hti-ocitios pei"ix'lratotl b.y tho K< i (ls in S[)aiu has been rcvealed in a lelter written i'i'om llieie ioa !Ne\v York Oity resident by a i'r?ind who is eonneeieil with :a 05-year okl Spaiiisli eoni]»un.y :dealing in eruclc (lruo-,s and oils. The letter reads in yart; "In sending ,vou this. we prin,cipally wish to do soinething for the truth and iu favor of our native count]'.y, as it see.ns the Eng-lish-speaking nations have been Ueceitfully informed by the popular fronts of differcnt countries in regard to the real situation in Spain. i

"Before the Nationalist troopo. entered Araliai, provi!!ee of Seville, 47 persons have been shat in a siuilll room filied up in part wit,h gasoline and burned »live. All died with terribie sufferances. "At Cazafia de la Sierra, % 87 persons were thrown alive into a deep hole and to give them death, ever.y three minutes the Marxists threw elown a torch of dynamite. At Constantina many persons with their hands l)ehind itheir back, have Ix>en suspended over the streets and after their legs had been cut, were shot at dawn.

"At Baena, where after hor. rible suffering' more than 300 families were brought to death. A father was bound ona ehaii* with two of his little sons on his knees The Heds sj>rinkled the boys with gāsoline and burned them. This poor man had to see with his own eyes the horrible agony of his ehildren without any means to help them. s< At Lora del Rio every kind of abuse has been committed with the maids of the village in the presence of their parents and |ifter wards the fathers were shot in the prēsence of the vio!ated daughters."

Thc i'iulieal govomiuent in Ma<Trid, a<?coiHling to the \vriter, 5s Vv ii of men without scrijii>les niākirtg material profits their high posistions and lealvitig a free hainl to all Jirectors of the as,>oeiatioii:;."