Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 21, 23 Kepakemapa 1936 — Butler Tells How To Avoid Conflict [ARTICLE]
Butler Tells How To Avoid Conflict
I Brigadier Oeneral Smedley ! Butlcr, reti red U. S. Marine officer told the Veterans of Foreign Wars !encampme!»t at Denver last week America eoukl avoid a European |war entanglement through legisj lation preventing the sending of !troopsto foreiffn soil, "for any reason whatsoever.'V He predieted a Eur©pean war would break out withiii a j r ear and urged adequate defense for the United £tutes. He said defense facilities \vere necessary "to keep foreigu skunks from crossing our coastlme." ! Irwin*s motion asks that the si>ecial guardian be authorized to investignte the charges contained 'in the motion to vacate and ob]octions to the confirmation of sale fi!ed by Mrs Lily Hewahewa