Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 21, 23 September 1936 — SCORES HURT IN CALIFORNIA STRIKE [ARTICLE]

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Warning that "massi\i're ia awaik ing you," A. S. l)oss, seeretary of the fruit and vegetable workers union at Salinas, Cal., has oi\lei\\l striking lettuet i workeis' piekets to i-emain o!T the streets to prevent ropvtition of last *week's bloody elashe-< with law o{Tieers. Eleven persons were 111 hospitals as the result of one tlay*s fighting. One thousaad speeial de-i puties, 130 state highway patrol-: men and 28 Salinas polieemen are I 011 dut\ again>t strikers |