Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 21, 23 September 1936 — Coast Sailors Seek Increase [ARTICLE]

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Coast Sailors Seek Increase

| A I>'.'oposed agreement ,provid|ing wages for heamen , ha.ve bven ,Nubmitted to]shipowuers by the Suilors\ Uiūon of the P;ioific. llarry Lun,leberg, seCi'(;tary of the uniou, suid he exi>ected to ejUip!ete iu?*rotu>tions for a new agree!jient ■ befote the present aWiinl expires tlie end of this mont3). Seeking inerease in present.able seainnn wages from $62.50 to Lundeberg wrote Thomas G. Plant iepi'esentative of shi[), o\vnei>., thui thi* requested increase wouid muki'- ihe avenige seaman"s wages a year beeause the averagf empl(»yment is between ;>even a'ul eight months.

Lunii b(.'ig said Jui his letter that 'uo Amcriean fainiiy should be reiiuii\-d to livo on less tlian §1,000 a year, particularly where tke emplo t \er is receiving fiom the Uiiitcd States government sums whieh aggregate more than ) in subsidies to iielp him meef primarily his costs ol' operation."