Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 20, 16 Kepakemapa 1936 — To reach hundred treat body like car [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

To reach hundred treat body like car

::■ . ' ' To hve to be a liundre4 years old is an art.

To i'oaoh tho century nuu'k all that is necessary is to kee]> slim and to treat the body as a oar. Such is the adviee of feir W. Aibuthnot Lane, eminent British specialist, who, on uttauiing the ago of this year. has in«iulged in a few reflections. | "'Thero is no earthly ivason wh v \ everoy human being shouLl not roach the qentury mark—leL alone a moro Ho"\ said Sir Willinm,

i4 Ti'o!Vt .\ our l>ody a* you lreui your iuotor ear uud ,vou wīll foo3 as i\s tdo al SO. But koop j>.iiu, I chu U*H ,\ou whou Sji inan i& |?oiiiig t<> »lio l\v oue look ut ht> imum'h.

**At < it.v lnm»jiu'tsi 1 j>k:k tiKiU out. 'Yvui wiII lasl i ycars/ I ■>;!v ti> in.\solf - iUkl I iUil li^hl," Bir WHiiiun ts » uum ss aih no IVtflVtB. 11« £tt\ V Uj* OIH' of 11.0 most xvu!espivtul ai\tl luorutt\ t pr»cticos in Kn>it}UiJ to trs i> a voul ilocto»s. %4 Thoy <iid nat likv mo for it.* Sir WUliam «wKUhI. Hut tu>v. i havo tu,s tvw„uu. iKn iui hjv llu ir livisijj> vnil v» pi'oph' fit nnlui th;«u b,\ curiu£ thur illis j Ainl thr |hh>i»K» ;u>' what 1 havr lru\i to Uui ii i'lu.\ afw u> (iikv vniv h*i Uu otiiv uhuo 1 »! Of. H*V tk'Oi«m*U»)£ H)li \ «'V"J4' i J a nioi\ ( ' \\i?! rt ki t». fh. \it* -I ,mr. V.r • M