Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 20, 16 September 1936 — Italy Starts Gold Hunts In Ethiopia [ARTICLE]

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Italy Starts Gold Hunts In Ethiopia

Italy has set up machinery. to exp!oit thc mineral wealth suppos - ed to lie beneath . t the barren hills of Ethiopia over whieh Mi'.rshall Badoglio's armior toil<'(.l. ' A reccnt decree, approve<l by the Chambor of Deputies, estab!ig(hod a vState Mining Company for East Africa empowered to operate the mines of Eritrea, Somaliland and Ethiopia. According 1o official: survey. p«blished in Ilome, gold, hanl eoak tin and pkitlnum pro.bably will be its firsfc. object.ives in Ethiopia. ! The Tigre, where Uas Seyoum never perniitted i>rivate ,prospectoes, is said to be rich in thc yellow motaK pftt*ti(nH:ir}y , "in"t'he' Uollega district, Platinum, sa.v Italian sourees, has eome to light in t,he Yubdo distriet

Important tin . depjsists. exist near Harra"r and the Tana zone has vcins of hard eoal, a mineral badly needed by Italy to cut her foreign iniports and niake lier the nearly state whieh is one of Mussolim goal Meanwhile figures hi boen published in Rome aLmod t diow the progress Ital.y has maile in gold mining in hor colony of Eritrea, along the shores of the Red Sea.