Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 20, 16 September 1936 — Sept. 19 Set To Start GOP Drive [ARTICLE]
Sept. 19 Set To Start GOP Drive
Iti ail probability Repubīicari candi(latcs will open their eaiii.paign on tho Big IslanJ on or about. Sepi. 19, accorcling to present plans. Frank Soares, ehaimian of the eounty comniittēē has offercd thāt suggrestion. % Deeision to ojhm\ the Gol* canr paig!\ fron\ Hainaluia wa< os\uh\1 by the annoutu e<l !<che«lule of IX - inocratic canJislates whieh i'he Bouibuu iuuugutal Si'plcuiU-i '20 in the Puna Oist riet, Hv ii* Iloni>kaa and in other Haniakua ptvcincts, So»res said, there wouki be no frietion with tha opptwite party's cainpaign. A seh*ilule for Delegate Bainuet WiKler Kiug w to be outline»l.