Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 20, 16 September 1936 — Cut Approved In Gas Rates [ARTICLE]

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Cut Approved In Gas Rates

This will bc good newa to gas ] nsers. The voluntary rcquest for a reduction in the vatcs of the Hilo Gas Co., has been appro.ved by the Utilit.v comniLsson of the territory o Hawaii, it was aunounced last week. * Eifective as in October 1 the new rute will _be a maximum of $2.15 per 1000 cubic feet m corapared with the present rate of $2.50 ]>er 1000 cubic feet. The new sche(lule also provides a more equitable sljding scale ofj rates than did the old schedule, iti was pointed out. ] The loeal company also 'received permission from the utilities eom- . ,to. inaugurate a bpec>l flat rate for the operation of gas refrigei'ators. This will be a strāiffht flat rate and no wiil be used. Operation cost of gas refrigerators will be brought dawn as low or lower than any other type of refrigerator. This" new flat rate also will be effective Ootober 1. Bince the Hilo Gas 00. was first started in 1917 when the rate was $2.80 there have been three rate reduCtions, all voluntary. The present reduction was made possible due to the inerease in the number of consumers of gas in the past year and a half, it was pointed out.