Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 20, 16 September 1936 — Centennial Of Boarding School To Be Observed [ARTICLE]

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Centennial Of Boarding School To Be Observed

At a meeting of the Centonnial Celebration commiitee at the Hilo lioanling School Thursday at'U rnoou final plans for the obsirvance of the school\s ono hundrodth annivesa»;y were niade. Tho eelebation is to be hekl on Oet. 3 anti 4 ' Plan,s originally worked out \vere n».odified. At that time it wa.s antit"pated that tho new Comi munity Center building would be completcd and could be dedicated as a part of the centennial celebration, but because this is now impossible and due t.o the fact that dedication services for the new building are being planned for lator in the year, it was decided to modify the progj'am. As approvcd by the committee the program will be as follows: Batui\iay, October 3

9—Rvgistration of o]d student3 in tlu> ro{uling room in thc main |buiuling nt tho Boarding SchooL Exhklition of old picturej! aiul 10ports in tho same rociii. Visitation of the other school and the Lytuan Hoi>o Memoiiai. Mrs. L. C. Lymun will be in eharge of the arrangements fjr iiie Sfttvm!ny nurning activities. Saturday afternoon from 3 the Hawaii County Band will give a baml 0 3ncert on the Boauhng sehool eanipus and at 3 there will be & denionstration of old Hawaiian gtimes on the HBS aliileue field under the dit*ection of Alberc Kahale-a. There will be opportunity for those who did not register in the "m !rning to do so in the reading room. Speeial Meeting At 4 a siHH!ial meeting cf the Boarciing seho©l irustees is planne*i wtm.ii tnne tii« cnatter of changing the name of the iastitutioo wiii be diseussed. At 6:80 that eveuing : there wiU be a luau for the Boarvliiiir >luvoi trustees, staff, former stadents and fnends in tho Haiii halL A i>rogra tt of enterfcainuiont ii p!aimed i' r the lu; % l«uxi tiiere wiU niany shcrt by iv|u"vsentatives of in the | t,ouītor\, ! Or Sur.day tr>ernuisr thert> Iwillhea sp<.vial mevtin£ iu the I Haili chuivh }i»rtieu!arb fur the irraduaU> the iand at ll thr K*. n. I. Markhata lui> u. ia for a >i*x;al .-en ieo i;i du- Fir>t F ehun h to whioh :C! a,v in\ iU\L On Suuda,\ &Uo:uOvju at ;i v ru«. līl.'Ue for the Hi)« C#nau w ill in'

UH V ttiU> fti£U -• wl»c iu O4MM|T«" tho <?.vervh > at Uto iwff b\V \VAg >itx\ Al! su*l for-*or >tuk*m-* -,>( t h !kw tuv \īrjri\i tO |he |«o>eiii cit t\t iciso* *n ; ithoe»> who Jcsln to attcn«l UkiuAU iu k.etN, iu j*av'iUio*\ l>ctoix v \\ , S'|> IwaeWi