Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 19, 9 September 1936 — Revaluation of Kona lands starts [ARTICLE]
Revaluation of Kona lands starts
j Jijmes Y. Muramoto. head of I the B g ls'ar d delinquent t«ix jbur«#u, rccn«ripanied by Di»nie! Mathaoiel, Ne s n Ahuna, UerA F. Siiva and S. Hi r ts' K'ft yesterd&y for Kona *bere tbey to remain the of th« month t« r^Vdlae rariches, work on kuieanas 'fttBDect Coffee iands fciīd attend to bther mattei*s canneeted with their off ee
Fijl.er. assessor for the re.*i propprty d v.s on, will arr.ve from Ho:iolaiu on Sit rday, Sept 12 ar,d wi 1 join tb« Hiln group ht Kona. to land h s assistanee,