Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 19, 9 Kepakemapa 1936 — Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Coming Attractions at Hilo Theaters


Today for thc last times» Charles Rugglos and Mary Bokncl in, "Eftrly to KihP"' Thurstlay an<l »Friday, BarlSira Stanwyck and Gone Raymond in 4 'The Btide Walks Out" Satunlay only, Hugh Herl>ert Una Merkel and Charles Butteif I worth in, "Wo \\'ent To 001^0* Sunday and Mondav, Jane Wither« in, "Thi« thc* Life M Wedne»lay and Thureda.\\ AJice F;iyr. Walkor :uul |BebeDaniels in, "Mude is MagicM On WtHlnesdiy night there will be Ta s}HH'ial hroadcast of llie KHBC PKOUKAM and the%how will start atj oVlocfe,


Ttxlay and t«morro\\\ Bing Crosby anel «Kiuy CarifrK* iin is my lh-art" toifutlu'r wilh aiiōthor ehapU r of tho »orial C«JI of tlu i Sava£o.

Frid*y and Sntui\lay anothor fsirotiir FUi|»int> }>itruro, "Aina" Sun<itt.v aiul Mot\dsy a!K<thortfrv v at dotihU» I*l 11. (iloniiH Karrt i ll in, "Merry N\ ivos uf Kono" mid th« nift«ro fihm'd on liauui \\ith Yirjjinin Chorrill «n<l Mona MarK, trtm»thor with a t\«tiw rw>t ia, "Whitc ' TurvJ;\y only lW»tto l>»vis und (ioorgx ! Bim»1 tn • 4 T»«. i:.»u "