Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 19, 9 September 1936 — Wild Slaughter in Spanish City [ARTICLE]

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Wild Slaughter in Spanish City

As the w.ar in Si>ain continues J with increasing fury the ruiijs of the city of Irun fell into han'ls of i rebel forccs on Saturday after J loyalists defenders had valiantl.v withstood the bitter attack for lover a week by the insurgents. Wiīh ammunition exhauting anct their deadl.y defense crumhling, loyalist forces turned to flight, but not unt.il they had ta-1 ken out 50 hostages and quickly' cxcuted tho pi'isoners. The flaming, blood-Jrenchcd city fche was surrendered to the vietorious rebels who thronged into the city Vapid]y taking over full control. The dead literally littered the streets of the eity, from the terrific toll that had beeri taken in the lengthy siege of the city while a continual bombardmerit eontinued with attack coming from rebel for.ces from the sea, the air and f rom laud A pelting rain hid the drive into the city. Eebels quickly took control of all passage from the city, trapping the defeated loyalists and merciiess slaughter foiiowed Mahy wcre executed while others were shot down as they fied. Through the blood-drenched city numerous fires started destruction of the city as the rebels took control and started organizing their own forc«s. Refugees fled t,he frontier ; into where numerous injured Sol -' diers taxee French autho rties. for firsfc aid and hospitaUzation. Exhaustion of ammunhion was ■ clftimed by the vanquished loyalists as the main reason for their final defeat after a stubborn defense th*t during the past week steadily hwl repulsed thc attack despite repeated bitter drives and. tremendous dāmage and loss of lives.