Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 19, 9 September 1936 — All Auto Drivers Should Read This [ARTICLE]

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All Auto Drivers Should Read This

The next territorial legis N lature should pasß an antiglare law, such was passed several years iigo in CAlifornia, in order to Curb the menaee of glarirtg hi>adlights <>n the highwāys of -Hawaii, \vhcre it is one <)f the worst menacos known to safe driving. " The situation is sumnml ii]> very nicely in a reccnt cditorial ln the Honolulu Adveftis('r v whioh reads as fo!lovvs: *'Modern a«tomobiles are equi])ped with devices for dininiing headlights, then j foro making night driVing safer. But in spite of this precantion, reasons for āccidents given by drivct>, if they are able to testif.v, oftcn arc that ll his lights blinded nie." And those of us who drive at night know that it is not an idle eomment There arc moii.cn ts when every driver blinded by ap proaching lights end foi* a si>ace the length depending npon his speed, he drives blindly. There isn"t any excu'sc for that There % .isn' , t any excuse for the wrecks, the maiming, the slaying of persons, because of th- j l>limling gfare. Motor car manufactuivr> Tccognized the danger and cquipped their cars \vith devices for lovvering or dimmiug the lights. If the dimming were used universally, there wouidn't De any sucl#-accidents. Out in the country, on the high

ways, it is a matter of eoiiiiuon deceney and a courtesy oi.e driver should ehow aivother. What we need is strict eni'oi-ee-ment of the law, as weil as the extension of eommoii courtesy. The two \vorking in eooperation would eventually eliminate the driver with high and blinding !lights." ! ! ■ — :x:—