Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 18, 2 September 1936 — Clipper Speeds Mainland Mails [ARTICLE]

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Clipper Speeds Mainland Mails

Faster mail connections betwcen Pan Amei'iean Clipi)ers and Unit.ed Air Lines ptanes whereby letters leavinfj Honolulu at noon on Monday wiii be <leiivered in Uleveland by noon Wedin.:sday and in New York early the same afternoon have been arranged, it was annouuced last week by the InterIsland, Trat'ii€ agents for the two ■air lines. ; •■■■-. j By advancing tlie 01ii>i»er*s de-1 i>arture Linie froin l:(jo p.m. to noon direcfc connectious are now are now niade with the overnight flyer i'or the ea«tern seaboanl, Siinilar rai>id connectious are also beingmade wi(h north and south bōund plane» out of San Francisco.