Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 18, 2 Kepakemapa 1936 — Kahuena Backs Senator Campsie [ARTICLE]
Kahuena Backs Senator Campsie
James candi(lacy " for re-election to the Scnate has reeeived the en(lorsciiieiit aiul support of William Kāhuena, former deputy sherilF cof South Kohala, who deelares that he rei)resents a large group of Hawaiiaa voters, particularl3' menibers of 'Hāwaiian ehurches of this island, In endorsing and pledg-ing support for Mr. Campsie, Kahuena declared that he is ca!ling upon the Hawaiian people of the Big Island, especially iiiemhers of Hawaiian churches, to east their votes for the "Mayor 6f Pahala." Explaininjf this aetion, Kahuena said that Camj)sie has ahvu.ys been a stauneh friend of the Hawaiian people and of theHawaiian churehes and it is on!.y right tliat they should i'ccij)i'ocate l>y supporting him in the coming eleetion, Kahuena further stated that he is not taking this aetion becausc of any reason other than that he realizes tho Hawaiiau pin>ple owe a debt to Senator Oampsie.