Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 18, 2 September 1936 — PINE APPLE KINGS TO PROTEST TAX [ARTICLE]
. Ali Um-e nuii-H" i>ineapi»lo eomlMUiies iu Ueiiolula an> reporte<i to be. i>lamnng a eontest on" the ctmstitutionality of the UH'ritoi ial gr j.ss iiuMuu' tax. lt is U'liweU the sugar iuterests also,ait( pieparing to joio in the eourt test. Te i wiii uieau the potential ioss of a i miilou Uollais iu taxes, it was jesumaUHi. [ lu twUlition to the th»vateiKHl loss, the litig?ition will tie up fuiKls£oio& iuto tiie territonal tieasiuy. Libt>.v, MeNeiii <& Libby, une cf the iu:ijor pineaple eompanies. husaU'eaJ,v notifievl the ten*itoi> that tho ejtr>pan,v is j>a,v ing the taxes Oiil,v nn<ler pi\)test, lt is !ieveU that ttie a!tegevl j{»\h«hls j'or ihe suit ss\\\ K\ that it bci\lens iuter-state eoiumeiw aml violates the tlae pro<H>ss rf| law. I