Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 16, 26 ʻAukake 1936 — SMASH THREE SCORE RECORDS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


1 Three score automob!Se speed rscords, everything from 500 kMorrieters 1 to 48 hours, were smas!ied by Capt. Gecrge Eyston of Eng?and īn one ] spectacular, pro!onged dash oVer the famous course at Bonnevi!le | Sait Flats, Utah. Eyston (right) is p!ctured with his relifef*driver, Bert !; Deniy, at the conciusion of the two-day run, in whieh hl's racer aver- ; aged 136.354 miies an hour for 6,545 mi!es. (Associated Press Photo)