Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 16, 26 ʻAukake 1936 — STEPHEN DESHA IS ORDAINED Impressive Ceremony At Haili Church Sunday Moining. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Impressive Ceremony At Haili Church Sunday Moining.

Attended by imprcssi ve ordinfition rites, Stepheh L. Desha, Jr. was ordained as a min-ster at the Haili Church, Sunday morning, in the presence of several gucst ministers and a full congregation. The Rev. Edward Kahale, of Honolulu, gavē the ordination prayer. the Rev. G. S.Walker the announcenient and proclaniation, the Kev. T. M. Talmadge the questions, while the charge was made by the Rev N omian S. Schenck of Honolulu. Other rainisters participating in the services were the Kev Jos. Woodward, of Napoopoo, the Rev Masao Yamada of the Japanese Christian churcb, the Rev. E. C. Yadao of the Filipino mission, the Rev. E. G. Da Silva, of the Hilo Portugese churchg the Kev. H. H. Corpy of the Church of the Apostles and many others. i Rev. Desha administered the first eommunion f©llowing his ordination, assisted by the Rev. Walkar, and officitaed at the baptisni of 15 children. He returned recently from the San Franciso Theological Seminary after finis!!ing a course of study and will leave here tomorrow afternoon for iionolulu to plaeo his two sons in Kamehamoha schOol, :returmng later fyr Mrs. Desha and their two daughters; after whieh he will be a territorial evangelist under the Hawaiian Boerd of Missions. Rev. Desha's father, the late Stephen L. Desha, Sr. was pastor of tne Haili church for over fifty years. '