Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 16, 26 August 1936 — Cost Of Spanish War Tremendou [ARTICLE]

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Cost Of Spanish War Tremendou

| The Hpani£h war lias startoJ its | |7th week with relx'ls eoutrolliug. |27 aml ]oyalists 2:2 nrovinee>. ! The nation's industrial life, is, ! virtual]y at a staiulsti!l. Tl\e !country is paying :i ruinous i>rice. [of a biliion posetas a week for the 1 strugg!e. j Both sii!os are rsipiJly eatm£ • themsolvos out of sttpplios. lt[ thas b?en ostimateil ftiat betwe»*n . ! 30,(H)0 and 4t\(Vi p».rsous havoi |dkd m the fighting and oxeeu- j tions, and at least 40,000 more i |WOunded. ' | Bostilitios sliow iio &igns of! t «eftsing. { t I