Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 15, 12 August 1936 — Seven Nations Remain Neutral [ARTICLE]
Seven Nations Remain Neutral
Francc has lincd up seven Eu.ropean natidps to npi)rove with her in i>riiicipa]s a polic,y of non-in-tervention m thc revoīution now raging in Spain.
Great Britain, Ucrman.v, llussia,,ltai,y, Bclgiuni, tlic Netherlands and Czcchoslovabia said t!ic,v \vould not aid eithcr of the \varring- sidcs in the Spanish fighting iJthough Russia and ltal.v, rcj>rescnting respcetivcly thc lcft and right, niadc reservations to the agrecnient, i Dii)lomatie soiirces said nutes woukl be dispatchcd to the po\vei's l>roposiiig th;vt thc.v prohil)it sliip<nent of jninitions into Spain.