Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 15, 12 August 1936 — Spanish Civil War Near Ending [ARTICLE]
Spanish Civil War Near Ending
Th<' Spanish govcrnnient wilhin the i>ast. iV\v days has madr widcs])read gains in scattcr«'d aivas, siccording t<> 'dispate}u , s fi*tnn'Aladrid a.nd has ca|-tured <>ver a do/,cn rc!)cl <!oiuin;'.tc'l eom' niunit,ics. Oi'ficiais predicated;'the insurrcction \voul<l be crushed shortly. - The (iuadarranui mouniain pas m'> are <Miiet, l>ut a maivh on Ma<lrid is r< i port<Ml to be in l'ull s\ving Mi ihe south. In tlī<» north tiic loval garrisou fought <o prcvcnt r<>ln'l acccss tf) thc sea to obtain impr>rtaiion of muuitions.