Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 15, 12 August 1936 — Many Hawaiians Hears Princess [ARTICLE]
Many Hawaiians Hears Princess
I v fim'oss K:i\van:muko:i, a Inom»HT <M' th(' Honios Coniniisfiioiv, spoko to somo two Hnndred Hawaiians on Sunday and «rjivd tliem to cK» rvcr.vthinir l>ossihlc t.o nminhim thoir honics. Tho }noeting vvas hold at tho Oatholio mission hall at Koaukaha, wilh F. Akana» o\ooutivo o( tlio ooiuniission, in attondanoo.
Josoph N. Koonioa, pivsidont of tlio Kuhio Inii»rovoinnot Club, was oliaimian on this oceasion. Anmng othor spoakors \vas Mr. "Akana, ,Tohn 0. Lam\ fornior torritorial high shoriflf, andCounty Attornoy AV. H. IVo "s.
Tho prlnooss urjrcd all pn x sont to protoot thoir homos, »Ml«oato thoir «'hikimi pro|K>rl.v and in<uro tho rohabi!itatio.i of tho Hawaiian no'e. < ianh'nin}* and famunjx \vas urirod by M»\ L;mo, in oit)or to holp out tho family no«sls, Man> r[uosM**is askod by t!u>so iMx v went woiv antf\Yeivd !»y llio varions lspo:ikorS I . t)n \fonday s\ftor»u»on tho |insr o!fioials, in<'htliu>j ; l*rinoi»s I Kawa'ianakoa, at'oo!ujw\iued by SMrs. llonnan Ludk*tr of Hilo lefti on an ip **round iho is?und. M°n ds*,\" :tud Tuosda 4 \ tlu\v tho -»i - of Ml'. at»d Mt>, X*. \\\ : Ut \V:t;.:.oa. T!n-.v w*l! vi-;: ivona av.;{ Kau at\d » OW. t "* to Hllo |o :v. ' ovovn:'.^'.. Tln- j»riiuvxv wiU r--m*in in i>i Ibh» fvr M'Vrwl dsy<» b«t oi,.s i- tho Mili ivt».i'U s U<s u .ulu b,\ puuu F» ida,\ 3»ft«'t- | H*« 't< j 1% w«> thv I <»f Inmoi , rWt\ii\jE !«( » < 'n»p »iitnu v at th« T , l««d hiMUO »*S l*uh'.U,«,i. ' \ bv : -i '■« lIKI'I .•,<»•? iii ;*r *«!' »i» ,m. s , Ntijjht{\ \\»» ;l U« M i*., ī» «i'i '-i. • ■» attiv M-1 *t,d kil ' nf Ui« '' ' ........ w «« .