Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 14, 5 ʻAukake 1936 — Fortune To Cloak Edward [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Fortune To Cloak Edward

Twenty-five million dollars woukl not bu.v the > regalia to be used at tho coronation of:King Edward VIII of England in Westininsl:er Abbe t v, . Loniion, next May 12. Experts say the regalia is of ?)riceless worth, but declaro its intrinsic Y { d'-io is in < ['exeess of five million pounds s!erling," <>r &*2f>.Wo,<><><) in U. S. currency M«st of tho regalia will bo brought. under arnied guard f rom the groat steel and pkte glass, bu?'glar-])roof cage in whieh it isi housed bohind thiek stone walls in i the historie Towor of Lomlon. ! Aftor the cro\vning it wil) be re-; t.urned to t.he Tovv T er to iiwait the coronation of Ed\vard"s succcssoi*. Almost all the regalia is eompa ratively modcrn, having bcen mado for tho coronation of Charies II in 1649 to replaee price less . regalia destroyed or sold during 01iver 'Cromwoirs regimo following the oxecution of Charlos I- ■ ■ • ■■■/- !".■'