Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 14, 5 ʻAukake 1936 — Pigs Are Good Critics Of Music [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Pigs Are Good Critics Of Music

Pigs are gootl nnisic critics,j according to a story that receiitly ! originated iu Ithica, N. Y. A pair of ihein, in a i>hysio]og.ieal exiK 4 riment, announced recently at Cornell Universit.v, \vere placed in a rooni \vith a phono gr?ph ]>laying the Brandenhurg Concerto No. ?» The.y uneurled thoir tails and walkod round and round, wav?ng thern in fairly good tinie to the music, But when The Music CiocB ī{oūnd and Koiuul was played the ]>ig s euHeil n]> theii- tails Mid valked out. They also hrea f h d| n ane th ■ raus'c The ex]>eriment, direeted hy I)r. Howard Seotl Liddell, was incidental to a stud,y of nerve reactions. The ])ijr*s ear drum n]>]>ears m<»re diseriminative of tonos than a (logX īf a p:g is ptaeod on n tah!e with loops under its legs und wires attaēhi'<l to one foiH*log nml tlu n tH«ars u puro musio«l tone of eyeles~followod hy a snmll e!e< ti ie shoek to tho wiix'd foroleg <m tho vor,v soundin|y of this samt> tono it will ,stajfo a tavdrum U'fore the shook is uiven. Tho tantrimi is tho pijj*s anllī'ipulion thnt U* t>»no moans a eomm|f oloolne sho< k,