Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 14, 5 August 1936 — Hawaiian Girls Make Hit In B.C. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Girls Make Hit In B.C.

IvOiiise Akeo's Koyal Hawaiinn Gir]'s glee elul> \vas a grcat hit at tbe recent Vancouver, Rritish Columbia, Golden Jubilee, a< cOl to a repōrt reeeive;l at the Hawan Tourist Bureau from Herlm'i tF. .Cullen,, who■■iirrange(l for sptc]il attention for the Islaiicis at the celebration. The members ot'the glee chib appeare<ī ji> their first program in Stanley Park 011 J ul.v 15, he said. "They pla.yed to packed houses," if suc:h is thc correct k'iiii for an open-air theater. Ever.yone who has seen and heard them has beeti inost enthusiastie. "I ean honestly say that this program that the Royal Hawaiian Girls are putting on is the finest Hawaiian entertainment I have ever seen outside the islands, and I have never seen :i'better oue in Hawaii." I He stated that special features, including a lei queen pagearit, were being dcveloped for Ilawaii Day ori July 20. On that dsiy and continning for two :;:ore da.vs arrangments had b<H-n niade to show thc Tourist Bureau"s naiui'al color mot.ion pictures at the Lyrir theater in the heart of the city right. next to the Hotel Vancouver. Ten programs featuring the films whieh are tri\< I of the main islands, werc ehululul. Oulleen, execūtive s?-" cretary of the Hawaii Tourist

Bureau, left aftor the colebration for Dall«B where ho has estublishe<l | 8« e«ntor the Toxas Ccntennial and is staging Hawaiian | I)a,v at the big on August 14. I