Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 14, 5 ʻAukake 1936 — To Reorganize Democratic Club [ARTICLE]
To Reorganize Democratic Club
Stoj»s to roorganize the seyonth prebinct I>emocratic club umler Uk' b;mner ot tlie new part.y eommiUee wiil l>e institued prior to ( tlie meetin<ī of the county eominitU'e fcl;ite.d i'or Baturka.y, Aug«Nt 8, at tlie Waiakea Social seltlement luill, it was reported !>nturda.v. The present precinct club, of whieh Thomas lVrdro Jr. is preiident, wsus reeeutly by h ijHotio» taken by the county eom,iiittoo at its last meetiiig held in Honokaa. In taking the action, county Jommitteemen voted to instruct it!s organi/ation subcommittee to movc to a new precinct club ut \\ aiakea after declaringthe eredentials of the present elup were not in order. : Boverrtl months ago the count.y coiiimittee had askod President Podro to submil to official meml)ei*ship card.s of his club. When he submittod severul 111 eml>ership canls, the county committqe ruled tiiat tho.v had not been approvtnl by a clnb <?eeretary who is a bona fiido I\»nioer:it. , Prior to tho county eommiUeo r fcext the organization [eommitf€o, compostHl of X. L. Holbush, Gilhert Aio, Frank Sermo and Hardy Shimigu will ī*itH>t to assisf in the orgauizatioii tho ne\v precint club. Tho new eounty commijteomen will thon sit at the couati" eouinnttoe meoting whieh Ls "to fgjk>w