Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 13, 29 July 1936 — Would Continue Build "Gas Gags" [ARTICLE]

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Would Continue Build "Gas Gags"

Dropping exixH'imcntation with lighter than air craft in "ini(l-air ,v woulīl be unfortunatc, m thc opinion of A(lmiriil Arthur J. līephuen. comniamler-in-chicf of thc LTnited States fieet now in Honolulu. "Dirigil)lcs present a fascjnat* ing tcehnieul pmhlem aml I hute to see thc problcin «1 hm!,Hepburn said. He empha>i/eil the nav.y was morc intcivstcit in dirigil>lcs }'roin thc stanilpoint of res« ureh and ultinuUe tommerieal valuo t!uui in their vnluc as inipbmcnts of wat\ "You eau hav« a war witlu»ut dirigih)es," hv sal<l He explain<«<! lhcir usv in wuiiiiiM? prohahl,v woulil U* limit.H| to lwtrol pur»ltsei'VHtkm, k<-t-pinjr i*hippin|| Uuk's eK nr uml minimi/trutŌc in contralwiid tlirouj;h lH»rvlcr scouti!ig.